My day with the Eyebrow Queen

Aloha Pretty Polly’s!!!! I had the pleasure of hanging with the beautiful Cartia Mallan this weekend. Please just take a moment to appreciate this girls face…………

Image 1 Cartia

Ohhh my what a BABE!

Cartia is a Fashion and Beauty Blogger/Youtuber from Brisbane, myself and the Polly HQ girls have been crushing on her style and her eyebrow perfection for quite some time, so I was super excited for her visit to Sydney. We have been emailing back and forth for a few months and we totally clicked and I just knew as soon as we met it would be love at first sight!!! And I was right!!!!

Image 2 Cartia

Cartia also brought her super babe’n friends with her!! So obviously we had to have a cheeky little shop in our PP Sydney store. These bohemian princess’s tried on everything and anything, we had music pumping and Cartia was also vlogging for her channel (I did try and dodge the footage but she managed to catch me slipping quite a lot) hahaha.

Image 3 Cartia

Overall it was such a fab day and to top it off we went and got Sushi for lunch!!! Perfecto or what?!?!?

Do you know when your meet someone and they are even cooler than you ever imagined was humanly possible… Yeah that’s Cartia.

So stay tuned for more of Cartia because we just cant get enough of this beauty! She is our woman crush Wednesday, EVERYDAY for LIFE.

If you're not following or subscribed to Cartia then you have clearly been living under a rock.

You know the drill ^ ^ ^ You're welcome.

Peace Out Gorgeous Girls Lots of Love

Leigh Princess Polly Fashion Buyer x x x

Other images cartia xOther Images Cartia