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We get that feeling good about our bodies and appearance ain't always easy, and the truth is, we’ve all felt the pressure to look a certain way at some point in our lives. #relatable 

At Princess Polly HQ we're lovin' seeing so many incredible body positive creators on our social feeds, so this week we decided to bring together some of our fave influencers who champion self-love and body acceptance in everything they do. 

Read on to get their best tips on how to love yourself and celebrate the body you have, then click follow on IG for daily inspo ♡

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♡ Aniyah Morinia


1. I love my body because I am quite literally nothing without it. So many of the things I love to do are possible due to the strength and health of my body and I think that's so beautiful. I can conceal or show my body as much as I want and there's truly nothing more powerful than having that freedom and autonomy! I'd be lying if I said I didn't love my body for how it has helped me define my personal style and love of fashion. The list of reasons why you love your body becomes endless when you focus on what it does for you rather than how it looks to the world.

2. My best body acceptance advice is to be the representation that you wish you saw for yourself. If you're struggling with accepting your body at a certain size, it's really helpful to constantly see and admire your body. It normalises your body type and disrupts the societal pressure to have a certain figure when you can look in the mirror or post a picture that you rarely see from women of your size. Finding representation can be difficult so stop searching for it simply become the representation you wish you had. Take photos of yourself wearing clothing items that you love. Take risks and wear things that you don't see people your size typically wearing. The more that you show up for yourself and your body unapologetically, the easier it is to fully and confidently accept it.

3. I practice self-love by hyping myself up every chance I get. I used to think that thinking highly of myself made me too self-centered or narcissistic, but I never want to go through life thinking that I'm anything but special. I constantly say affirmations to myself like "I am everything", "I can attract anything I want", "Ugh, I love myself". Whether I say these phrases out loud or in my head, they have proven to be so powerful and have worked wonders for my confidence and overall happiness.


♡  Jamie Rae ♡


1. I love my body because it has carried me through many hard times in my life. After losing my mom to an aggressive battle with cancer, I made a promise to myself that I would never take my health for granted. I am lucky enough to wake up in the morning, to stretch, exercise, eat and live my life. It’s a luxury a lot of people don’t have and my mom was an example of that for me. I know that she would want me to enjoy my health and be kind to myself. Our bodies are so much more than just fitting into a pair of jeans.

2. My best body acceptance advice is to unfollow accounts that cause you to compare yourself. Make your timeline a safe place if you are feeling fragile. For me, I love to follow Instagram accounts and Tiktoks that promote body positivity. It gives you perspective to look in the mirror and be grateful for what you have rather than resentment. 

3. I practice self-love by doing pilates. I have never been someone who enjoys working out, but after giving myself a routine and noticing the confidence it has given me, I have grown to love it. After losing my mom, I view exercise as a way to keep my body and mind healthy, not to see numbers dropping on the scale (I actually NEVER weigh myself, all that does is promote anxiety and guilt!). Pilates makes me feel strong and relieves my stress. It is absolutely a form of self-love for me.

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♡  Vicki Dignard ♡


1. I love my body because it has carried me through all of life’s best moments. It keeps me safe & healthy everyday and that’s pretty amazing. 💘 

2. My best body acceptance tip or advice is to understand that the way your body looks is the least interesting thing about you. All bodies are unique and that’s what makes us beautiful! We all have insecurities, but it’s important to remember that we are our worst critics and our so-called “flaws” don’t make us any less beautiful. 

3. I practice self love by fueling my body as best I can, making an effort in staying active and treating myself to the things that make me happy. 🥰

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♡ Jada Giddings ♡


1. I love my body because I am beautiful and all bodies are beautiful. All shapes, sizes, colours, marks are BEAUTIFUL. You only get one life so why spend it hating yourself? Cliché I know, but it’s true and that’s why I choose to love myself, so should you 💗

2. My best advice to accept your body would be to remind yourself everyday how beautiful and how good you look! Stop caring about what people may think of you, because no one is the same! We are all beautiful. Look in the mirror and tell yourself you’re a bad bitty! 💗

3. I practice self love by taking one day a week to really pamper and enjoy my own company - have a little pamper night! Do a face mask, have a bath, light some candles, hair masks, full skincare routine and even put on that outfit that you’ve been contemplating wearing! You won’t regret it after you see how amazing you look 💗

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♡  Bri Jensen ♡


1. I love my body because It’s strong and it’s capable of anything I put my mind to. It allows me to move, dance and run — no matter how it looks.

2. My best body acceptance tip is stop thinking of your body as something that needs to be fixed or altered to fit a beauty standard. You can love yourself at any stage, regardless of what society says looks good.

3. I practice self love by taking care of myself. Moving my body everyday and eating things that both taste good and fuel me are so important to me!

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♡ Chelsea Levin ♡


1. I love my body because it lets me do all the amazing and wonderful things life has to offer like feel the sun on my skin at the beach and wiggle my toes through the sand.

2. My best body acceptance advice is life is short and tomorrow isn't guaranteed. Don't waste it worrying over cellulite or tummy rolls. Live each day to the fullest and focus on all the amazing experiences you could have!

3. I practice self love by accepting my body, mind and soul in this moment right now, acknowledging my flaws and being okay with them because they are what make me, 'me'. Also by doing the things I enjoy simply because I enjoy them... like running into the ocean and playing in the waves!

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♡ Julia Ramirez ♡


1. I love my body because it can do anything I set my mind to if I want it hard enough.

2. My best body acceptance advice is to acknowledge that bodies change with the different seasons in your life. Have confidence in your body with the way it looks like now and continue caring for it.

3. I practice self love by putting myself at the top of my to-list every single day. I take a few minutes every morning to be grateful for what I have in my life in this present moment and remind myself that there's so much to look forward to.

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♡ Jasmine Chanel ♡


1. I love my body because it's strong, forgiving, and perfectly imperfect — uniquely mine and it allows me to experience amazing things every day!

2. My best body acceptance tip is to stop comparing yourself to others. We're our own biggest critics and my biggest piece of advice is to do what makes YOU happy because that's what matters at the end of the day. Also, utilise positive self-talk!

3. I practice self-love by limiting my use of social media and things that negatively affect me, eating healthily, drinking tons of water, going outside, and surrounding myself with good people! I always try to remember that self-love is both mental and physical.

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♡ Dez Smith ♡


1. I love my body because it’s mine & it’s curvy. Even though I can be very hard on myself some days, my body is my temple & I love it the way it is. It’s so much more than a physical thing. It works hard to keep me going everyday.

2. My best body tip is to accept your body for what it is because it’s the only body you’re ever going to get. 

3. I practice self love by knowing my self worth, respecting myself & truly putting myself first. People go through life without actually admiring their own beauty & positive traits. I try my best to do it everyday. 

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♡ Demi Diamandis ♡


1. I love my body because it makes me unique! I love my curves and embracing them has made me feel so happy & confident.

2. My best body positivity advice is to wear whatever makes you feel happy and brings you joy. Don't worry about what others think! I find that dressing for myself instead of others has helped me feel so good in my skin. Embracing my curves and dressing to accentuate them instead of hiding them has made me feel so much more confident!

3. I practice self love by taking care of my body and skin, finding reasons why I am grateful for my body and focusing on the positives and what I love about myself when I look in the mirror instead of things I don't like.

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♡ Akayrii Rose ♡


1. I love my body because it has kept me going even through my hardest times. I went through a time where I wasn’t happy, I wasn’t doing well at all and that was when my body changed for the first time. I remember being so terrified of what people would think if they knew I had to buy a size up in my favourite jeans. Looking back on that now, 1. I know that body dysmorphia is very real and 2. I can’t believe I put so much energy into hating myself and the way I looked!

2. My best body acceptance tip is to wear whatever the heck you want, when you want and don’t define your worth based off the number of your clothing size ! I used to be so horrible and put myself down for my body or “letting it change so much” because I used to wear two or three sizes smaller and I was so afraid of going up sizes in clothes. But the reality is your worth is not defined by your size! You will forever be equally as beautiful whether you wear a size 12 or a size 22, our body is going to constantly change and the best thing you can do is acknowledge how amazing it is! 

3. I practice self love by putting on my favourite outfits and wearing the clothes or bikinis that I love! There’s nothing that instantly boosts my confidence more than wearing what I want and not caring about society’s opinion on my body! Trust me, it truly is the best feeling!