This LA raised energetic, creative and carefree lady has the smarts, she studied medicine and law, before finding her true heart creating the blog FASHIONLAINE. Lainey’s fascinations with the world of Pop Culture lead her into the entertainment business, covering events and interviewing her fave celebs and  style lovers whilst travelling around the globe. What we love most about Elaine is her passion and dedication to encouraging woman to be who they are, owning it with pride and confidence. Lainey shared a few little bit about herself;

WHAT GOT YOU STARTED FASHION BLOGGING  All of my friends for years encouraged me to start a fashion blog because they thought I had a unique style, so I finally did!


WHAT ARE YOUR CURRENT FASHION OBSESSIONS?  I'm really into plaid for fall

TOP THREE BANDS AT THE MO? Flume, Sam Smith, Clean Bandit

FAVOURITE QUOTE   "Two roads diverged in a wood and I- I took the one less travelled by, and that has made all the difference."- Robert Frost

ANYTHING SURPRISING ABOUT YOURSELF? Fun Fact: I'm in a family of Capricorns (my mom, sister, dog and two cousins are all within a few days apart of birthdays from me)