Carbon Emissions Who?

Carbon Emissions Who?

Anyone else find it hard to focus on your next cute outfit when the earth is rapidly getting warmer and the ozone layer is deteriorating? We’re glad it’s not just us.

This week, the 26th Annual UN Climate Change Conference is happening in Glasgow, Scotland. This is a formal discussion with the world’s most influential leaders that tackles climate change and various other environmental issues. As the world gathers to share this information, we thought it was the perfect time to share with YOU, exactly what we’ve been doing to reduce our carbon footprint.

The Good News So Far
Luckily for us, we have a  dedicated team constantly working towards creating a sustainable Princess Polly future. Plus, with the help of some incred experts, we’ve been able to calculate our carbon emissions for the whole of 2020.

Why are we so hyped about this?? With this new data, we’ve been able to pinpoint which processes produce the most carbon emissions and how we can go about reducing them. The good news is, we’ve already started.

We’ve been busy:

  • Expanding our lower-impact Earth Club range, so you can shop more sustainably. (Check out the deets of each material here and shop the range here).

  • Launched our Fit Finder feature that generates your most accurate size! This helps stop unnecessary package travels & ofc, gives you the perf fit <3

  • Offset ALL deliveries around the world

  • Started making the switch to completely recyclable packaging!

  • Released our Princess Polly Care Guide to help our customers reduce the impact of caring for their products

So What’s Next?
After reviewing the overwhelming amount of data, Princess Polly is committed to being completely carbon neutral by 2030. With the progress we’ve already made and the milestones we’ve implemented to keep us on track, we’re confident this dream will manifest!

We understand that the idea of climate change can be daunting, but try not to worry! You’re doing your part by supporting brands that have goals to combat these issues. You should be stressing about what outfit you’re going to wear on the weekend, not whether you’ll have to migrate to mars in 20 years time. Head over to the Earth Club Hub to keep up to date on all things carbon emissions and view all of our latest sustainability initiatives.